F980813b-Marking the Trail
by Gary Carpenter

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Be not wise in your own eyes, but learn to turn to Me. I will lift you up where your eyes can see from My perspective, says the Lord. From that vantage point which is above, you can see the objectives. You can see the entire picture. With "earthbound eyes" you see obstacles as trees in all directions. With "earthbound eyes" you spend your life in futility, cutting down trees all around you in an ever widening circle, but with no direct path, with no direct goal, with no clear vision, not knowing which direction is the path of the Lord for you.

The enemy would have you continue your warfare with "earthbound eyes." But when I give you eyes to see "from above," from the throne's perspective, then you can see where you are and you can see where you shall be. Then those obstacles that are in your path can be removed in a straight line. Yes, there are obstacles that will come down; reasonings, thoughts, imaginations, even things of the flesh that must go. But your progress will be meaningful and swift and with purpose as you allow Me to lift you up and see the entire mission with heavenly eyes. Eyes that see from above.

This is part of My purpose. This is part of My mission. This is a portion of what I do for the sons who serve the Living God.

See the vision that I am painting in your spirit right now. You see yourself in a vast forest with trees in all directions. But see now, as I lift you up higher and higher above the forest. See that clearing up ahead? That is where the Lord desires for you to go next. Now that you see that direction, then My direction comes as a compass so that you know the path and you know which tree must fall next, and which tree must fall after that, and which tree must fall after that.

Your vision becomes single minded now. Not flailing away at obstacles in all directions, but rather now, removing obstacles in a direct line ... the shortest path to get you to the next clearing where the Lord desires you to be. In that clearing there shall be water. There shall be refreshing. There shall be increase of anointing.

This is how My direction shall come. No more exerting effort in all directions creating only a wider circle that leads down no distinct path. But rather, following My instructions, cutting away those obstacles that are on the direct path where the Lord desires you to walk.

This is how My direction comes. This is why He told you to give heed and place the utmost priority on those things which I reveal to you. Those are the things that must be removed in order for you to apprehend that for which you have been apprehended.

I will not have you working on vain things that pertain not to your call. I will have your energies directed toward those obstacles that remain on the direct path of His call for your life. Place the utmost priority, and put first, those things which I reveal to you for those are the obstacles that must be removed to take you, step by step, from glory to glory, into the image of Him Who birthed you.

In words that you can understand, I say to you that for a season you are in a period of "catch up." Your actions and your activities have caused you to run far ahead of My counsel. You have worked very hard, working in a circle, cutting and hitting on many trees. Yet when you look back to the center of that circle, you see that you really have not travelled very far. Remember and never forget the futility of your own ways, says the Lord. If you will remember, you will not repeat it.

Now you have laid down the axe for a season and you have come to lie down in green pastures and drink of those still waters. This is where I will feed your spirit with the very mind of Christ. This is where I will refresh you in every way; spirit, soul and body with the refreshing of My counsel and with the refreshing of My presence. You have now, in a new way for you, entered into My rest.

Again, in words you can understand, I say to you; endure this season of "catching up," for I will bring you to a place of being "ahead of the game." During this process of giving you eyes that see from above and setting the course toward the next clearing which He has ordained for you, Words of Wisdom, Words of Knowledge, and Discerning of Spirits shall be so developed in you that there shall be nothing that takes you by surprise.

You will not be asking Me questions as you are today, "What shall I do about this present situation?" Rather than that, you will sit and receive My counsel and I will tell you, "This is what is coming. When it comes, do this." That is a walk of a much higher degree of safety. That is where I will take you, says the Lord.

Understand and know that the Gifts are for God's servants, whether those servants be son or slave. I give them. I manifest them for God's servants. They are yours. Receive them by faith. Know they are yours. Say they are yours. Expect them all the time, not just in services. They are My gifts. They are free ... and they are yours!

I have brought you slowly to this clearing on purpose to give you time to reflect and to know and to understand that this is not His highest call for you. As He has spoken to you, you shall walk in "Manifested Glory." That requires the transformation to Love.

There are many clearings up ahead where you shall arrive as you follow My leadership. But this is the first one, for He desires "Now," that the rescue of His sheep begin! Your responsibility is to not camp in this clearing, but use these gifts as tools as you progress to the next clearing. Each clearing will be the next level of the transformation to His image.

Stop at no clearings! Take what you find there, incorporate it, and move on to the next one. This shall be your method all the days of your life, says the Lord.

Next > in the series   (4) F980814b-Coveting the Gifts

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